
Een foto van ons huis, gemaakt met de plastic Diana mini lomo-camera. Fijne paasdagen allemaal!

Our home, seen through the lens of the plastic Diana mini. Happy easter!

For more lomo-saturday, check out the following blogs: CasperIrisMireille, MarritNikkiJudithMarciaDaanSacha and Nine. For more lomo-saturday on this blog, click the button in the sidebar. Have a nice saturday!

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6 Responses to Lomo-saturday

  1. Iris Vank 7 april 2012 at 18:25 #

    Je hebt een regenboog in je huis!!

  2. Hanneke 7 april 2012 at 20:49 #

    wat ziet dit er heerlijk knus uit. analoge foto’s geven altijd zo’n extra knusse sfeer he.

  3. sandra 7 april 2012 at 20:55 #

    Mooi!!! Dat licht!!!

  4. mireille 7 april 2012 at 21:12 #

    goed blauw gloedje bij de lamp!

  5. saskia 9 april 2012 at 00:23 #

    Jeej een lichtvlek! Ik vind het altijd leuk als er lichtvlekken in foto’s zitten 🙂

  6. Collen 23 april 2012 at 10:50 #

    I’ve had mine for a few months now and I love mine. BUT . The first 2 or 3 rolls I put trghuoh it were perfectly fine but the last 3 or 4 I have tried to put trghuoh have screwed up big time. I load it up correctly and set everything arrocdingly and once I hit photo number 4 the film the film comes unlatched from the little bit down the bottom next to where it threads trghuoh and it makes a clunking crunching sound as the sprockets rub past it trying to latch on again. What do you think may have caused it/how can I fix it? Nothing looks broken!!!Thanks

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